Pxx-Series White Papers by Greg Walsh
Walsh Trilogy of Pxx White Papers. PDF Documents Shared.
This topic covers how to setup, care for and use the C10 including topics such as updating firmare, how to scan a free station project or how to run a traverse.
Walsh Trilogy of Pxx White Papers. PDF Documents Shared.
Cinco reglas a seguir para seleccionar las posiciones del escáner.
Coloque el escáner cerca de objetos pequeños.
Escanee hacia donde se dirige.
Escanee hacia donde estaba.
Escanee cada umbral.
Escaneo del ángulo de 45 grados.
This post covers how to import ScanStation C10 data, including how to create a blank database, import options, viewing imported data and partial imports.
Black and White, Spheres and HDS targets are the three primary types used in the field with the scanners. The P-Series, BLK360 and RTC360 use Black and White and Sphere targets. The C10 can acquire all three types.