Cyclone Field 360 Virtual Class Recording 2022 02 07
Cyclone Field 360 Virtual Class Recording
Cyclone Field 360 Virtual Class Recording
Historically many Leica Clients would only have a single Leica Geosystems myWorld account for the entire company. It is advised for each Leica user to have their own login credentials for myWorld. It offers your staff access to the resources associated with your Leica Geosystem […]
The following group of videos covers the workflow of processing P-Series data. Topics include import, navigation, registration, geo-reference, layers, codes, target extraction, coordinate systems, data reduction and cleanup.
Learning the basic commands and navigating Cyclone helps streamline workflows.
A general description of how the BLK360 is used.
This section covers other registration techniques other than targets and point clouds to register scans together. It covers techniques such as creating calculated vertexes between planes, and using modeled objects such as pipes and patches.
Most of Cyclone program settings are found in the Preferences. These can be assessed from Cyclone Navigator or within a ModelSpace View. Changing some of the preferences can enhance program functionality.
A Nested Registration is a techniques that allows users to build registrations from previous ones. Users can combine scans from the first day of field work and then combine the second days work. Then day one and two can be combined together.
Commands in Cyclone can be Hot Keyed to any button on the computer’s keyboard to speed up processing. Cyclone installs with a preset list of built-in Hot Keys.
Cyclone Navigator is the table of contents for the Cyclone program. This menu is used to access and organize the point cloud data, manage tools and settings in the program and create blank databases to import raw data.