Enhanced TruView SiteMaps

Enhanced TruView SiteMaps embed a custom title page with HTML links to jump between multiple pages of information to guide viewers on what assets are embedded in the LGSx file. The TruView traditionally opens with an image of the point cloud sitemap and displays the […]

Publishing TruViews in Cyclone

TruView is a free panoramic viewer that allows users to view the point cloud data and image from the scanner position or the scan data from defined camera views.

TruView Local Software Installation

03:15 Duration TruView Local is a free display plugin for MS Internet Explorer Browser. It is not a windows program but a plugin to the browser that allows the viewing of point cloud data and presentations with embedded digital assets. Please note the following common […]

TruView Pack & Go Program Use

08:19 Duration TruView Pack & Go is free software program that provides TV Local processing to re-write HTML hotlinks displaying embedded digital assets in a TruView presentation. Pack&Go will create a copy of the linked assets and store them in a new shared data folder […]